Friday, April 4, 2008

issue 2

bruno pronsato
he will be playing in boulder on saturday, april 21st, at the communikey festival of electronic arts. the following weekend he will be playing in l.a. at deeper moods. buy your tickets now!!
the first link takes you to, which has a track by him called "seria suerte." the second link is a live recording, hosted by microphono.
** "seria suerte" at
** ableton live set recorded and hosted by microphono

david last
i highly recommend his album the push pull. he has several releases on unfoundsound records and various other labels. for those in the denver area, he frequents communikey and dope recordings events. check him out if you haven't done so yet.
** the push pull at

anders ilar
the following link is a podcast from resident advisor. there are some parts that get a little weird, but otherwise and enjoyable listen, especially when you're just chilling out.
** resident advisor podcast

alka rex
i came across this duo on david last's website, then saw their name pop up several more times over the next few days. some fun and bouncy minimal with dissonant and weird moments. the following mix posted on the modyfier music blog. be sure to check out some of the other postings on his site.
** process part 70 (elastic modyfier mix

worthwhile links
** free music downloads from various artists. still pretty small, but you can find some interesting stuff.
** an online community for sharing and posting live mixes. it runs on a point system in which each download 'costs' one point. you gain more points by putting up new mixes, reviewing mixes, etc. a bit idealistic, but there's a huge catalog, so definitely worth checking out.
** an online music project that hosts tracks by independent artists, licensed under creative commons.